Welcome To Our Dev Studio!
It's Nice To Meet You
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What can we do for you?

Mobile App Development

Native Android and iOS development. Years of Kotlin and Java and Mobile development experience, we can make your vision come to life


Prototyping? Want us to come up with a design language for your app? We create slick Material Design focussed Android apps, and apps which meet Apple's iOS guidelines

Media Creation

Need a promotional graphic or video to show off your shiny new app? We can help with that!


Your app could be promoted here

Man Flow Yoga


Catch That Bus

Prayer Alert

Great Northern Warehouse

East London Radio


Let's talk about where we're from

Movello Tech is a development studio specialising in mobile apps development. From beginning to a finished, polished product. Show us your vision and we'll work to get it to potentially millions of devices.
In the design stage? We work with you to create great ideas for designs for your app for both Android and iOS, across plenty of form factors - from mobile, tablets to TV and smartwatches!
Movello can also generate promotional content for your apps. Provide us with your assets and we'll get you up and running with a great video to showcase on Google Play or App Store.
Talk to us! Fill in the form below to message us directly

Contact Us

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